For some products, we accept orders for only one piece. For details, please contact us.
If your order hasn't shipped yet, you can edit it here. Changing your order may change the expected delivery date.
Yes, we can deliver overseas. *Shipping fees will be determined at checkout. We cannot deliver to areas that are not covered by the shipping company. Yes, we ship to most countries in the world. Shipping costs are determined at the time of checkout.
Members can cancel their order by going to [Purchase History] on their My Page and selecting the item in question. If the order status is [Ordered], you can cancel it yourself. If the status is [Shipping Arranged], you cannot cancel it.
When a necklace is subjected to stress, the part connecting the chain and hook may come off. This function is designed to keep your body safe. If the above is the cause, we can repair the item by sending it in by mail. Please contact us.